Blackened Chicken with Fiesta Lime Rice

Since our vacation was cut short, Justin and I had the luxury of staying home for a few days.  Once the camping stuff was taken care of (thanks to Justin doing most of it since I was suffering from weather change), we got to enjoy actually hanging around the house and doing nothing other than what we wanted.  It was nice.    So nice, we had discussed how we would love to be rich and not have to work. 

Then Monday came along.

Don't know about you, but I hate the Mondays after vacations... no, wait. I dislike every Monday. I love my job, don't get me wrong. I just love my personal life more. Haha.

Now today is Tuesday, and it's a bitter sweet day because today marks a year since my mom passed away.  To prevent tears, I won't ponder on it here.


But I will gladly share with you what we had for dinner on Sunday. Click the pictures for the specific recipe. :)
w/ a side of:

I also made the BBQ Chicken Nachos and plan to post the recipe sometime this week!


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