Healthy Treat

So, I'm in this 12 week weight loss challenge at work -- and today was the 2nd weekly weigh in...and I lost 6 lbs since last week!  I should admit that these were 6 lbs I had already lost before the holidays thanks to PIYO but then the little boys and I came down with sicknesses, then my in-laws visited and then I went back to work and forgot I vowed to be healthy and exercise....and I could probably continue with excuses.  So I will stop.  Did I mention I did 25 minutes on the elliptical today?

But I stuck to it as best as I could with the hectic schedule I have (Justin started school this past Monday).

So the reason I mention this, is that I tried a delicious new healthy treat from my favorite blogger Holly (Life in the Lofthouse).  She literally posted it yesterday on her blog, I bought the ingredients yesterday but then my night went completely opposite then I had planned - so I made them tonight.... and they were so delicious it motivated me to share about them the same night!

Side note: I just realized that she calls them Bites but I call them balls. No biggie, just wanted to make sure you were aware.


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